Flying towards your dreams


Where is your home?


How many roads have been trodden by thee?

There’s a lining under your eyes of the vast sea

Birds perch over the trees sing songs for you to flee

Where is your home? How far have you flown?

How many dreams have been woven by thee?

There’s a huge bucket list that only you can see

Soul yells at you to break the cage and be care-free

Where is your home? How far have you flown?

How many tears have been shed by thee?

There’re stains of blood on the paths to which you agree

Legs still push you towards what you wanna be

Where is your home? How far have you flown?

How many miles have been travelled by thee?

There’s a hive waiting for the return of its bee

Doors yearn for your fingers to turn the key

Where is your home? How far have you flown?


Bhavna Jagnani is a budding writer based out of Kolkata. She loves to read and write and aspires to become a writer. She is of the opinion that reading daily helps in building creativity and imagination.