I wasn’t ready to give you the least of my contemplation

I wasn’t ready to accord you my fullest endeavour

I wasn’t ready to foster you wherever possible

I wasn’t ready to acknowledge your behoof and significance


I ignored you when I supposed to esteem you

I neglected you when I supposed to ardent towards you

I made you feel worthless though I supposed to know your virtue

I made myself get lost in stuffs disregarding your essence!


You are an epitome of how grabbing opportunities matter

You are the reason for many of our dreams to go shattered

You became the blame of many others blunder

You never asked us to saunter and wander


You gave us our space to make us feel the vibe

But we nurtured the salted layers of life’s scribe

You insisted to make use of you as and when needed

But we kept you aside and went ahead conceded


After a whilst of struggle, you relinquished and went aloof

That was the moment my whole world started to reproof

I couldn’t get myself out from the darkness

As my propriety on you was no longer in aptness!

When you were mine and when you were to solicit

I bailed out without accosting your culminating explicit

But now you are my requisite with me not knowing to elicit!